Aug 24, 2014

Learning to Learn

We are always asking ourselves why it is very hard to learn some subjects while others are no trouble at all. We can all become better learners if we know how the brain works. This is why I prepared a video and a scratch animation to get us started on this "better" learning process.

First, this video will help us understand how our short memory works.  We have 4 slots that will allow information to access the brain.  We must pay complete attention while learning new information. When we are on "WORKING MEMORY" mode, we have 4 slots in the frontal part of the brain.  It is like a blackboard where information in written but it will erase from the blackboard unless we practice many times. This is why spaced repetition is so important.  Practicing a little bit, every couple days will help you move the data from short to long term memory. This video will illustrate how the 4 slot,s where we first accept the data can be used efficiently or inefficiently.
Watch and learn!

Watch the following animation and you will know more about your brain.

Follow these links and learn more about food that will help your body and mind.

 Thank you for watching.

Mar 24, 2009

Aquariums by 2nd grade students

1. Start by showing them a video of a real aquarium, and comment on what the fish and plants are doing.
(moving, turning, bouncing)

2. They were asked to go to the library to look at pictures of sea animals that they wanted to draw.
3. Using the paint editor they drew one fish.

4. Copy the costume and change little details (mouth opening, fin moving, eye turning etc.)

5. Click on the costumes and show them how it changes.

6. Show them the scripts and let them play with the pieces until the program works (the sprite changes costume forever.)

7. Show them an aquarium program, without showing them the program, and ask them what are the fish doing.... they will answer.... moving! turning! bouncing! changing costume!

You can now show them the pieces that they will need and let them try to put them together until their fish are swimming.

8. Finally create a sprite with the text "Did you know...? ,
record a fact they read about and write a program

Jun 18, 2008

Jun 12, 2008

Art gallery